Object-oriented program with a memory accessing function
Offsite management using disk based tape library and vault...
Offsite management using disk based tape library and vault...
Offsite management using disk based tape library and vault...
On-demand initialization of memory locations as they are request
On-line tape backup using an integrated cached disk array
One-chip CPU
Online data migration
Open computer files snapshot
Operating system agnostic sharing of proteced memory using...
Operating system page placement to maximize cache data reuse
Operating system permitting limited access to a system page
Operation method of storage and storage and remote storage...
Optical disc for a master key, and a method and apparatus for op
Optimizations of a perform frame management function issued...
Optimized data migration with a support processor
Optimized memory organization in a multi-channel architecture
Optimizing memory accesses for network applications using...
Optimizing reclamation of data space
Organization of multiple snapshot copies in a data storage...