Apparatus for reducing the power consumption of a PFC-PWM...
Apparatus for reducing the supply noise near large clock...
Apparatus for regulating the delivery of power from a DC...
Apparatus for repeatedly applying short-circuit pulses to a curr
Apparatus for stabilizing turbine-generator shaft torsional osci
Apparatus for supplying auxiliary power to portable...
Apparatus for supplying current of changing polarity to a load o
Apparatus for supplying direct current from a three-phase altern
Apparatus for supplying power and liquid crystal display...
Apparatus for synthesizing a sinusoidal output
Apparatus for the controlled voltage supply of D.C. drives
Apparatus for the low-loss wiring of the semiconductor switching
Apparatus for voltage multiplication with output voltage...
Apparatus having an inverter
Apparatus providing bias to solar cells
Apparatus providing leading leg current sensing for control of f
Apparatus to generate high voltage by digital control and...
Apparatus used with AC motors for compensating for turn on delay
Apparatus using serial data line to turn on a transceiver or oth
Apparatus, system, and method for a low cost self-healing...