Saddle-shaped deflection coil and winding method
Screen contact means for a cathode ray tube
Screen for cathode ray tube and method for manufacturing the...
Screen for slotted aperture mask color television picture tube
Screen structure of a cathode-ray tube
Sealed effusive structure for use in a cathode ray tube
Sealing for CRT components
Seamless electron transfer for multiple-gun direct view CRTS
Second grid for an electron gun having apertures and rotary asym
Secondary electron multiplication target
Secondary electron multiplication target
Secondary emission electron gun using external primaries
Segmented shadow mask support structure for flat tension mask co
Selectively erasable storage target with insulated web collector
Self aligning electron beam gun having enhanced thermal and mech
Self supporting flat video display
Self-adhering cathode ray tube base
Semi-flat CRT panel
Semiconductor cathode with increased stability
Semiconductor device having a cold cathode