Cathode ray tube having an internal neutral density filter
Cathode ray tube having an internal voltage-divider resistor
Cathode ray tube having an internal voltage-dividing resistor
Cathode ray tube having an internal voltage-dividing resistor
Cathode ray tube having an overall length thereof shortened
Cathode ray tube having annular holding member
Cathode ray tube having antistatic/anti-reflection film-covered
Cathode ray tube having apertured shadow mask
Cathode ray tube having bismuth oxide layer on color...
Cathode ray tube having channel multiplier and electron reflecti
Cathode ray tube having color selection apparatus
Cathode ray tube having corrugated shadow mask with slits
Cathode ray tube having deflection power reducing shape
Cathode ray tube having enhanced electron beam deflection...
Cathode ray tube having funnel with a reverse curvature
Cathode ray tube having funnel with flute sections
Cathode ray tube having high and low refractive index films...
Cathode ray tube having high resistance film on the inner...
Cathode ray tube having improved beam convergence
Cathode ray tube having improved curvature characteristics and m