Radio-frequency accelerating system and ring type accelerator pr
Radio-frequency type charged particle accelerator
Resonant cavity electron accelerator
RFQ device for accelerating particles
Segmented vane radio-frequency quadrupole linear accelerator
Sequentially pulsed traveling wave accelerator
Single drive betatron
Slot resonance coupled standing wave linear particle...
Spiral orbit charged particle accelerator and its...
Standing-wave electron linear accelerator
Structure for accelerating heavy ions with uniformly spaced quad
Superconducting cyclotron for use in the production of heavy iso
Support structures for planar insertion devices
Synchrotron radiation beam generator
Synchrotron radiation light-source apparatus and method of manuf
Techniques for controlling a charged particle beam
Unipolar electrostatic quadrupole lens and switching methods...
Variable energy radio frequency quadrupole linac
Variable radiofrequency power source for an accelerator guide
Variable-period undulators for synchrotron radiation