Quasi-optical gyrotron having a hologram output coupling
Quasi-optical gyrotron having a rotatable mount for providing re
Quasi-optical gyrotron having a yoke structure shielding the sup
Quasi-optical gyrotron having an electron gun with alternating h
Quasi-optical gyrotron having angularly spaced quasi-optical res
Quasi-optical harmonic gyrotron and gyroklystron
Quasioptical gyroklystron
Radio frequency particle accelerator having means for synchroniz
Radio frequency quadrupole resonator for linear accelerator
Radio wave generator for ultra-high frequencies
Radio-frequency accelerating cavity and circular accelerator
Radio-frequency electron accelerator
Re-entrant double-staggered ladder circuit
Resistive lens electron gun with compound linear voltage profile
Resistive wall klystron amplifier
Resistive wall klystron amplifier having grounded drift tube
Resistor assembly
Resistor for electron gun assembly, method of manufacturing...
Resistors for use in cathode ray tubes
Resistors for use in cathode ray tubes