Gapped flexure tongue for floating type magnetic head apparatus
Gimbal assembly for a magnetic head slider and a suspension for
Gimbal assembly for flying magnetic transducer heads
Gimbal assembly of a magnetic head suspension
Gimbal assembly with offset slider pad and cross beam for pitch
Gimbal flexure and electrical interconnect assembly
Gimbal flexure for use with microactuator
Gimbal for a flexure for top-terminated heads
Gimbal for magnetic head suspension systems
Gimbal for supporting a hydrodynamic air bearing slider
Gimbal having stiffness properties
Gimbal micropositioning device
Gimbal spring for floating type magnetic head
Gimbal spring for supporting a magnetic transducer and making el
Gimbal spring retainer
Gimbal spring supported magnetic recording head
Gimbal suspension for supporting a head in a disc drive assembly
Gimbaled micro-head/flexure/conductor assembly and system
Gimbaled micro-head/flexure/conductor assembly and system
Gimballed spring arm having a reinforced plate for use with a ma