Apparatus for heating purge gas and transmitting microwave energ
Clothes treating ultrasonic nebulizing cabinet apparatus
Clothes treating ultrasonic nebulizing cabinet apparatus
Compact microwave clothes dryer and method
Continuous microwave regeneration apparatus for absorption media
Curing line oven with variable in-line UHF module
Dehydration plant
Device and method for controlling drying period of time of a lau
Device and method for treating a refuse material containing...
Dry-processing apparatus for heating and drying objects to be pr
Drying of ceramic honeycomb substrates
End of cycle detector and method for microwave clothes dryer
Fabric dryer with arcing avoidance system
Food waste treatment apparatus using microwave
Frit-drying system for the funnel portion of a cathode ray tube
High-efficiency fabric dryer
Household appliance
Installation for continuously drying, dehydrating or microwave b
Installation for drying or dehydrating goods
Method and apparatus for drying granular materials