L-carnitine salt and cosmetic and pharmaceutical compositions co
Lachrymator aerosol formulations
Leave-on antimicrobial compositions which provide improved...
Leave-on antimicrobial compositions which provide improved...
Leave-on facial emulsion compositions
Leave-on facial emulsion compositions
Lectins for treatment of skin diseases
Less irritating shaving material
Light-responding high color-rendering makeup cosmetic...
Light-stable cosmetic composition
Linear silicone resins in personal care applications
Liniment for topical application
Lipid composition containing a liquid crystal phase
Lipid composition containing a liquid crystal structure
Lipochroman-6 as NO-synthase inhibitor and uses
Lipoic acid in topical compositions
Lipophilic derivatives of amino deoxyalditols, cosmetic composit
Lipophilic hydroxylated acid, its use in cosmetics and pharmacy,
Lipophilic hydroxylated acid, its use in cosmetics and pharmacy,
Lipoprotein creams