Stomach-action molluscicides
Stomach-action molluscicides
Storage stable pesticidal aqueous emulsions
Storage stable pesticide formulations containing azadirachtin
Storage-stable compositions containing hydrogen cyanamide...
Strains of Streptomyces and relevant uses thereof
Stripped spent silver catalysts and novel uses thereof
Suberization of a polymeric sustain release matrix for...
Substance delivery device
Substrate for volatile delivery systems
Substrate for volatile delivery systems
Substrate for volatile delivery systems
Substrate for volatile delivery systems
Subversion of bacterial resistance by low solubility...
Sulfur containing polyhydroxyalkanoate compositions and...
Supersorbent material as pesticide potentiator
Surface active N-halamine compounds
Surface coating spatially controlled patterns
Surface-coated particulate additives for polymers
Surfactant/solvent systems