Attractant compositions
Attractant for ants
Attractant for army cutworm moths
Attractant for beet webworm moths
Attractant for darksided cutworm moth
Attractant for male Mediterranean fruit fly
Attractant for monitoring and control of adult scarabs
Attractant for social pest insects
Attractant for sunflower moth
Attractant for the mediterranean fruit fly, the method of...
Attractant for the potato moth and the preparation of the former
Attractant-ingestion stimulant preparations for Periplaneta amer
Attractants and lures for cockroaches and palmettos
Attractants and lures for cockroaches and palmettos
Attractants and repellants for colorado potato beetle
Attractants and repellants for colorado potato beetle
Attractants and repellents for the tropical root weevil...
Attractants for bactrocera latifrons(Hendel)
Attractants for Dacus latifrons, the Malaysian fruit fly
Attractants for fall cankerworm moths