Lipid-A analogs: new monosaccharide and disaccharide intermediat
Lipogenesis control by esters of benzoxazinecarboxylic acids
Lipooligosaccharide based vaccine for prevention of...
Liposome carriers in leishmaniasis chemotherapy with 8-aminoquin
Liquid fungitoxic and acaricidal compositions containing trifori
Liquid shampoo composition
Lisuride and physiologically acceptable salts thereof to achieve
Lisuride in alcoholism
Live attenuated bacteria for use in a vaccine
Live attenuated bacteria of the species Actinobacillus pleuropne
Live in ovo vaccine
Live vaccine against colibacillosis
Live vaccine constituting minor risk for humans
Live vaccine constituting minor risk for humans
Live, avirulent strain of V. anguillarum that protects fish...
Live, oral vaccine for protection against Shigella...
Livestock feed and method for improving food utilization
LKTA deletion mutant of P. haemolytica
LktA deletion mutant of P. haemolytica
LktA deletion mutant of P. haemolytica