Electromagnetic radiation emitting toothbrush and dentifrice...
Electromagnetically actuated valve for hydraulic motor vehicle b
Electronic video dental camera
Electronic video dental camera
Electrophotographic image forming method and toner composition u
Electrosurgical tool for tissue coagulation in vital pulp...
Electrothermal dental debracketing tool and method of removal
Element and method for implant-fixed prosthesis
Element for aiding in the cementation of fixed dental...
Embedded features and methods of a dental appliance
Embossed dental bib with reduced-size adhesive means
Embossed dental bib with reduced-sized adhesive means
Emergence profile system having a combined healing abutment and
Emergence profile system having a combined healing abutment and
Encapsulated denture adhesive and method of use
Encased stone dental model base body and method
End-connector grommet device for orthodontic chain
Endo-osseous implant
Endododontic file with multi-tapered flutes
Endodontal procedure with graduated swab