Tool and method for adjusting orthodontic expansion screws
Tool for fastening rings to an orthodontic bracket and method th
Tooth articulator for use in correcting tooth occlusal disharmon
Tooth crown center locating device
Tooth moving method and appliance
Tooth path treatment plan
Tooth path treatment plan
Tooth path treatment plan
Tooth positioner with harder areas
Tooth positioning appliances and systems
Tooth uprighting or separating appliance
Tooth-to-tooth retainer wire installation apparatus
Torque/rotation base for orthodontic attachment and method of ma
Torqued titanium-based archwire
Torqued titanium-based archwire
Torqued titanium-based archwire
Torquing auxiliary
Torquing auxiliary
Totally adjustable bracket system
Toughness coating for crystalline orthodontic brackets