Packaged applicator assembly
Packaging box for use with endodontic instruments
Pair of forceps for applying of an articulating film to teeth in
Palatal plate prosthesis production fastener
Palatal plate prosthesis production fastener
Pallet for handling dental porcelain materials
Parallel air stream dental air-abrasion system
Paralleling tool or gauge for general dentistry
Paraocclusive dental instrument
Partial dentin caries excavator
Particle collector for use with dental suction apparatus
Paste formulation for dental use, a paste injector, and a...
Pathogen barrier with optically transparent end
Pathogen barrier with optically transparent end
Patient dentist whitening guide
Patient dentist whitening guide
Pellet-forming mold for dental filling materials
Percussive dental crown extractor
Percussive dental extractor
Peridontal probe