Medicinal or dental hand instrument
Medicinal or dental hand instrument
Medicine dispenser adapted to administer liquid medicine via a r
Medicine injection device
Mercury removal method and apparatus
Mercury vapor purifier enclosure
Method and an apparatus for the production of a core for a root-
Method and an instrument for filling an occlusal surface of...
Method and apparatus for applying a bonding agent to an...
Method and apparatus for applying gutta percha to a carrier
Method and apparatus for applying thermoplastic border...
Method and apparatus for articulating human and animal jaw struc
Method and apparatus for attaching a dental model to an articula
Method and apparatus for carving and contouring dental restorati
Method and apparatus for communicating tooth characteristics...
Method and apparatus for composite restoration using a composite
Method and apparatus for constructing dentures
Method and apparatus for creating patterns for dentures
Method and apparatus for curling light-curable dental materials
Method and apparatus for dental restorative material