Prophy angles with dentifrice dispensing systems
Purge system for flushing and disinfecting dental units
Push-button switch as used in oral hygiene appliance
Pushing device for tooth restoration material mixed and...
Pushing device for tooth restoration material mixed and...
Quad cutter tool for removing syringe divider
Ratchet type dispenser for dental materials
Rate controlled fluid delivery in dental applications
Rate controlled fluid delivery in dental applications
Reciprocating dental tool
Remotely controlled dental syringe
Removal of dental caries with high speed water jet
Root canal plugging apparatus for dental work
Rotary dental instrument and methods of use
Rotary dental polishing apparatus
Safety dental syringe
Self-contained dental prophylaxis angle with offset...
Shower head attachment for mixing liquids used to clean teeth
Shower mounted dental hygiene dispenser
Showerhead tooth cleansing apparatus