Biasing a speech recognizer based on prompt context
Bidirectional domain names
Bifurcated speaker specific and non-speaker specific speech reco
Bilateral speech system
Bilingual authoring assistant for the “tip of the...
Binary filter using pattern recognition
Bio-phonetic multi-phrase speaker identity verification
Biofeedback system for speech disorders
Biometric client-server security system and method
Biometric control method on the telephone network with...
Biometric identification method, portable electronic device...
Biometric identification system
Biometric measuring system with detachable announcement device
BIOS which translates pre-boot display information into...
Bit allocation method for digital audio signals
Bit allocation method for improved audio quality perception usin
Bit error concealment methods for speech coding
Bit error concealment methods for speech coding
Bit rate reduction in audio encoders by exploiting...
Bit rate reduction in audio encoders by exploiting...