Reduced complexity recursive least square lattice structure...
Reducing time for annotating speech data to develop a dialog...
Reducing time for annotating speech data to develop a dialog...
Reference pattern generating apparatus and method, and...
Reference pattern learning system
Reference pattern training system and speech recognition system
Refining of segmental boundaries in speech waveforms using...
Rejection grammar using selected phonemes for speech recognition
Remote control with speech recognition
Removing noise from feature vectors
Removing noise from feature vectors
Repetitive transient noise removal
Replacing text representing a concept with an alternate...
Representation of a deleted interpolation N-gram language...
Representation of a deleted interpolation N-gram language...
Representing n-gram language models for compact storage and...
Restoration of high-order Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients
Retaining prosody during speech analysis for later playback
Retraining and updating speech models for speech recognition
Robot control apparatus and method with echo back prosody