Calibration based beamforming, non-linear adaptive...
Call distribution system inferring mental or physiological...
Canceler of speech and noise, and speech recognition apparatus
Cancellation of loudspeaker words in speech recognition
Capture and application of sender voice dynamics to enhance...
Cascaded hidden Markov model for meta-state estimation
Cell phone having an information-converting function
Check-sum based method and apparatus for performing speech recog
Chinese character conversion apparatus using syntax information
Chinese phonetic transcription input system and method with...
Circuit arrangement and method for detecting and improving a...
Class-based word clustering for speech recognition using a three
Client-server speech recognition for altering processing...
Closed-loop command and response system for automatic...
Coarticulated concatenated speech
Coarticulated concatenated speech
Code image recording apparatus having a microphone and a...
Code image recording apparatus having a microphone, a...
Codebook population using centroid pairs
Codebook re-ordering to reduce undesired packet generation