Real-time financial card application system
Real-time financial card offer and application system
Real-time financial search engine and method
Real-time insurance estimate based on non-personal...
Real-time marketing of credit-based goods or services
Real-time network exchange with seller specified exchange parame
Real-time point-of-sale change-of-address processing
Real-time portfolio balancing and/or optimization system and...
Real-time process for defining, processing and delivering a...
Real-time sales information architecture
Real-time sales information architecture
Real-time sales support and learning tool
Real-time trading system
Real-time trading system
Real-time wireless e-coupon (promotion) definition based on...
Real-time wireless e-coupon (promotion) definition based on...
Real-time, interactive, competitive method of on-line...
Realizing legally binding business contracts through service...
Rebate advertising system in use with moving objects