System and method for locating products in a retail system
System and method for mailing list testing service
System and method for managing a project based on team...
System and method for managing advertising inventory to...
System and method for managing advertising space
System and method for managing consumer information
System and method for managing customer contacts and related...
System and method for managing customized reward offers
System and method for measuring web page advertisement...
System and method for modeling customer response using data...
System and method for modeling non-stationary time series...
System and method for monitoring irregular sales activity
System and method for motivating submission of conditional purch
System and method for multi-enterprise supply chain...
System and method for networked loyalty program
System and method for networked loyalty program
System and method for networked loyalty program
System and method for networked loyalty program
System and method for networked loyalty program
System and method for networked loyalty program