Advisor framework, systems, methods and software for...
Batch automated blocking and record matching
Block-level data de-duplication using thinly provisioned...
Combining context-aware and context-independent data...
Deterministic space management in deduplication applications
Dictionary architecture and methodology for...
Example-driven design of efficient record matching queries
Information retrieval systems with duplicate document...
Method and apparatus for managing electronic messages
Method and system for assuring integrity of deduplicated data
Method and system for providing enhanced matching from...
Method to create a partition-by time/tuple-based window in...
Method, system and computer program product for duplicate...
Methods and apparatus for deduplication in storage system
Model driven consolidator of database information
Multi-master database synchronization without loss of...
Parcel data acquisition and processing
Purging of stored timeseries data
Storage system with improved de-duplication arrangement
System and method for enabling de-duplication in a storage...