System and method for grading electricity distribution...
System and method for graphically representing uncertainty...
System and method for grating profile classification
System and method for high speed computing and feature recogniti
System and method for hyper-spectral analysis
System and method for identifying and evaluating...
System and method for identifying the context of a statement...
System and method for identifying the geographic origin of a...
System and method for identifying useful content in a...
System and method for image annotation and multi-modal image...
System and method for image classification
System and method for implementing a metrics engine for...
System and method for implementing a multi objective...
System and method for implementing quality control rules...
System and method for indexing a data stream
System and method for inferring geological classes
System and method for inferring traffic legitimacy through...
System and method for integrating a servo system
System and method for intelligent data management of the...
System and method for interactively delivering expert...