Measurements expert system and method for generating...
Medical risk stratifying method and system
Method and apparatus for identifying the coverage of a test sequ
Method and apparatus for implementing Q&A function and...
Method and apparatus for informing analysis result of database
Method and expert system of molecular mechanics force fields...
Method and mechanism for a web based knowledge management tool
Method and system for a random number generator
Method and system for enhanced knowledge management
Method and system to segment an OLAP set
Method for modeling data structures by creating digraphs...
Method for predicting depth distribution of predetermined...
Method for serving engineering rules on a network through...
Method of automated proving for unrestricted first-order logic
Method of expert system analysis of DNA electrophoresis data
Method, system, and computer program product for dynamically...
Movement of an agent that utilizes a compiled set of...
Multi-criterial decision making system and method
Multi-criterial decision making system and method
Multi-dimensional, expert behavior-emulation system