Method of inhibiting copying of digital data
Method of inhibiting copying of digital data
Method of inhibiting token generation in an open metering system
Method of initializing and using a security association for...
Method of integrating QKD with IPSec
Method of interactive communication between a subscriber and a d
Method of issuance and revocation of certificates of authenticit
Method of jumping composite PN codes
Method of maintaining security in a common output means and syst
Method of making secure and controlling access to...
Method of making secure collaboration between objects of an obje
Method of making up a digital multiplex, and apparatus implement
Method of managing a mobile multicast key using a foreign...
Method of managing contracts for licensed program use and a mana
Method of managing copy protection information of a...
Method of managing one-time pad data and device implementing...
Method of managing the display of event specifications with...
Method of managing user key for broadcast encryption
Method of manufacturing generic meters in a key management syste
Method of manufacturing secure boxes in a key management system