Early detection system and method for encrypted signals...
Efficient and compact subgroup trace representation...
Efficient cryptographic hash functions and methods for amplifyin
Efficient data integrity protection
Efficient digital signature algorithm and use thereof technical
Efficient electronic money
Efficient elliptic-curve cryptography based on primality of...
Efficient encryption and authentication for data processing...
Efficient handling of messages, data and keys in media...
Efficient implementation of MD5 message-digest algorithm...
Efficient key updates in encrypted database systems
Efficient method for encrypting superblocks of data
Efficient method for multiplication over galois fields
Efficient modular reduction and modular multiplication
Efficient packet encryption method
Efficient security kernel for the 80960 extended architecture
Efficient selection and mixing of multiple sub-word items packed
Efficient signature scheme based on birational permutations
Efficient stream cipher system and method
Efficient techniques for sharing a secret