Method of rotating a word constituted by binary elements and arr
Method of tracking postage meter location
Method of updating encryption device monitor code in a multichan
Methods and apparatus for interfacing an encryption module with
Methods and apparatus for securely encrypting data in conjunctio
Modular communication platform
Modular mailing system
Multi-color information encoding system
Multijunction unit apparatus for use in a digital network
Non-volatile semiconductor memory with SCRAM hold cycle prior to
Optimization methods for the insertion, protection, and detectio
Pipelined packet encryption and decryption using counter...
Portable electronic device capable of registering subprograms
Portable thermal printing apparatus including a security device
Postage accounting system including means for transmitting ASCII
Postage meter system and verification of postage charges
Postage metering system with dedicated and non-dedicated postage
Postage payment system employing encryption techniques and accou
Postal rating system with verifiable integrity
Print system and printer capable of prevention of unjust...