Wait mode pen-touch detection and method for touch screen...
Wake-on-touch for vibration sensing touch input devices
Wake-up detection method and apparatus embodying the same
Watch including a contactless control device for a computer...
Water resistant touch pad for an electronic apparatus
Water tolerant touch sensor
Waterproof pointing device of a keyboard
Waveform display signal generating apparatus
Waveform generator
Waveform peak capture circuit for digital engine analyzer
Wearable computing, input, and display device
Wearable electronic device
Wearable ergonomic computer mouse
Wearable keyboard apparatus
Wearable moving display
Wearable signal input apparatus for data processing system
Web browser for use with a television display for preventing...
Web-clip widgets on a portable multifunction device
Weighted mapping of image data samples to pixel...
Wheel motion control input device for animation system