Table-based color conversion to different RGB16 formats
Technical schematic display system utilizing preassigned compone
Techniques for anisotropic texture mapping using multiple...
Techniques for displaying information for collection...
Techniques for graphical analysis and manipulation of...
Telecommunications graphical service program
Telephone call center monitoring system with integrated...
Terrain elevation path manager
Test and measurement instrument having telecommunications...
Texel cache interrupt daemon for virtual memory management of te
Texture compositing apparatus and method
Texture mapping and other uses of scalar fields on subdivision s
Texture mapping apparatus computing texture address by fill addr
Texture mapping circuit for performing data interpolations
Texture mapping device
Texture mapping method and system
Texture mapping method in which 3-D image data is transformed in
Texture mapping system and method using a texture cache for mini
Texture mapping using a plane normal to a selected triangle and
Texture memory organization based on data locality