Method for compensating colors of a display device
Method for computing the intensity of specularly reflected...
Method for constructing architectural models including...
Method for controlling data display
Method for converting color to monochrome to maintain...
Method for converting monochrome images
Method for creating pixel-oriented pictorial datasets for...
Method for cross-fading intensities of multiple images of a...
Method for determining color space of an image
Method for determining the representation of a picture on a...
Method for determining weighting factors for the color...
Method for determining weighting factors for the color...
Method for displaying primary and secondary information
Method for dominant color setting of video region and data...
Method for dominant color setting of video region and data...
Method for drawing object having rough model and detailed model
Method for efficiently recording a number of texture images...
Method for efficiently rendering color information for a...
Method for enhancing colour resolution and device exploiting...
Method for extracting static and dynamic super-resolution...