Gallium alloy for dental restorations
Gallium naphthalocyanine salts for use as improved infrared...
Gamma ray-sensitive phthalocyanine compound of poly...
Gamma-dicalcium silicate-containing cement composition
Gas generation retarded aluminum powder for oil field cements
Gas impermeable coating for a refractory article
Gas tight silicon carbide body
Gas-permeable refractory parts
Gel composition comprising cyclic dimethyl polysiloxanes
Gel composition for nail enamel
Gel forming compositions
Gel-forming inks for use in the alleviation of bleed
Gel-free paint containing copper pyrithione or pyrithione disulf
Gel-free paint containing cuprous oxide plus 2,2'-dithiobis (pyr
Gel-free paint containing zinc pyrithione cuprous oxide and carb
Gel-free paint containing zinc pyrithione, cuprous oxide, and am
Gelable and gelled compositions
Gelatin hardening method and agents therefor
Gelatin, method for producing it and its use
Gelatine granules as well as methods and apparatus for their man