Superheterodyne seismic vibrator and method
Suppression of coherent noise in seismic data
Surface multiple attenuation via eigenvalue decomposition
Surface processing and display of borehole televiewer signals
Surface seismic profile system and method using vertical sensor
Surface-consistent minimum-phase deconvolution
Swept energy source acoustic logging system
Swing plate latch mechanism
Switching system for the acquisition of seismic data
Synchronization of seismic data acquisition systems
System and method for acquiring seismic and micro-seismic...
System and method for acquisition and processing of elastic...
System and method for compensating for towed array motion induce
System and method for detecting an acoustic signal in the...
System and method for determining earth fracture propagation
System and method for determining positions of towed marine...
System and method for determining positions of towed marine...
System and method for estimating seismic material properties
System and method for monitoring drill string characteristics du
System and method for processing acoustic signals to image behin