F-K Filtering of multiple reflections from a seismic section
Fault filter for seismic discontinuity data
Fiber optic seismic system
Fiber optic strain gauge and cable strain monitoring system...
Fiber-optic seismic array telemetry, system, and method
Fiber-optic seismic array telemetry, system, and method
Filtering of overburden azimuthal anisotropy effects from 3D sei
Filtering system for processing signature signals
Flexural wave attenuation
Float for use in seismic surveys of the sea bed
Float for use in seismic surveys of the sea bed
Floatation device for marine seismic energy sources
Floating shunt seismic amplifier
Flow noise reduction
Formation absorption seismic method
Formation fracture detection using instantaneous characteristics
Fracture clusters identification
Fracture clusters identification
Fracture detection logging tool
Fracture investigation by resonance sweeping technique