Simple device and method to return a user to a location
Simple passive/active proximity warning system
Simple true-time-delay generator for optical control of...
Simplified quadrant-partitioned array architecture and measure s
Simplified wide-band autotrack traveling wave coupler
Simultaneous localization and RF modeling
Simultaneous multibeam and frequency active photonic array radar
Simultaneous multibeam approach for cancelling multiple mainlobe
Single antenna direction-finding system
Single button-multiple command position and status control syste
Single channel distance measuring receiver system and method
Single element driver architecture for ferrite based phase shift
Single global positioning system receiver capable of attitude de
Single input multiple output (SIMO) ranging and positioning...
Single Ku-band multi-polarization gallium arsenide transmit...
Single null miniature direction finder
Single receiver wireless tracking system
Single receiver wireless tracking system
Single receiver wireless tracking system
Single receiver wireless tracking system