Each area automatic selection receiver for emergency radio...
Early detection and tracking system for hazardous airborne...
Earth-fixed cell beam management for satellite communication sys
Earth-fixed cell beam management for satellite communication sys
Easy set-up, low profile, vehicle mounted, in-motion...
Efficient algorithm for processing GPS signals
Efficient detection and signal parameter estimation with applica
Efficient ephemeris coding
Efficient storage and fast matching of wireless spatial signatur
Efficient wideband waveform generation and signal processing...
Efficiently decreasing the bandwidth and increasing the radiated
Electrical power dividers
Electrical, mechanical, and logical interface for a user...
Electrically scanning microwave radiometer
Electrically scanning microwave radiometer
Electrically steerable phased array antenna system
Electrically-controllable back-fed antenna and method for using
Electro-optical beamforming network for phased array antennas
Electromagnetic beam system with switchable active transmit/rece
Electromagnetic coupler system