Communications system with moving bodies with the aid of satelli
Communications transceiver using an adaptive directional antenna
Compact antenna for low and medium earth orbit satellite communi
Compact GPS receiver/processor
Compact GPS tracker and customized mapping system
Compact optical controller for phased array systems
Compact range for variable-zone measurements
Compact transmission of GPS information using compressed...
Compact wide tunable bandwidth phased array antenna controller
Compact, high-power microwave phase shifter
Compact, modular tile architecture for limited field-of-view...
Compaction of SATPS information for subsequent signal processing
Compensation device for aiming errors caused by the malfunctioni
Compensation for frequency adjustment in mobile...
Compensation of beamforming errors in a communications...
Compensation of direction finding estimates for polarimetric...
Compensation of faulty elements in array antennas
Competent munitions using range correction with auto-registratio
Computational enhancements for space-frequency adaptive...