Current control biasing to protect electrode seals
Curved grating surface emitting distributed feedback semiconduct
Curved grating surface-emitting distributed feedback laser
Curved waveguide ring laser
Customizable apodized chiral fiber grating apparatus and method
Decentered annular ring resonator with internal misalignment can
Decoupled intracavity laser alignment
Deep ultraviolet catadioptric anamorphic telescope
Delivering pump light to a laser gain element while...
Delivery system for high power multi-wavelength laser systems
Device and method for achieving beam path alignment of an optica
Device and method for high-power end pumping
Device and method for reduction of spontaneous emission from...
Device for a modular power laser
Device for a power laser
Device for controlling a laser source with multiple laser units
Device for generating or detecting electromagnetic...
Device for generating terahertz radiation, and a...
Device for mounting a window on a gas-discharge laser
Device for producing laser light