Sensor system for remote spectroscopy
Side pumped Q-switched microlaser and associated fabrication...
Side pumped, Q-switched microlaser
Side-arm phase-conjugated laser
Simultaneously mode-locked, Q-switched laser
Simultaneously mode-locked, Q-switched laser
Simultaneously Q-switched fiber lasers using a shared modulator
Solid microlaser passively switched by a saturable absorber and
Solid microlaser passively switched by a saturable absorber...
Solid-state devices with radial dopant valence profile
Solid-state laser with composite prismatic gain-region
Spectral spreading and control device for high peak power...
Stabilized laser using multiphoton absorption to reduce...
Sub-nanosecond passively q-switched microchip laser system
Suppression of mode-beating noise in a Q-switched pulsed...
Surface emitting laser with an integrated absorber
Switchable laser using a faraday rotator
System and method for a passively Q-switched, resonantly...
Tetravalent chromium doped passive Q-switch
Transverse flowing liquid Kerr cell for high average power...