Multipulse dye laser
Nonlinear imaging using passive pulse splitters and related...
Nonlinear transmission line integrated circuit
Optical arrangement
Optical delay module for lenghtening the propagation path of...
Optical limiter
Optical limiter
Optical parametric oscillation using KTA nonlinear crystals
Optical pulse oscillator and light frequency measuring apparatus
Optical pulse seqeunce generator
Optical Pulse source
Optical pulse stretching and smoothing for ArF and F2...
Optical Q-switching to generate ultra short pulses in diode lase
Optical short pulse reshaping device
Optical structure for adjusting the peak power of a laser beam
Output controller for laser device
Passively Q-switched laser having a variable pulse rate
Passively Q-switched laser with a dual-cavity configuration
Picosecond laser
Picosecond Q-switched microlasers