Lactose spherical particles and process for their production
Laminated drug-polymer coated stent having dipped layers
Laminated drug-polymer coated stent having dipped layers
Laminated drug-polymer coated stent having dipped layers
Laminin-modified conduit for nerve regeneration and methods...
Laser based metal deposition (LBMD) of antimicrobials to...
Laser-deposited biocompatible films and methods and apparatuses
Layered aligned polymer structures and methods of making same
Light activated coloration of dental restorations
Light activated coloration of dental restorations
Light emitting markers for use with substrates
Light microscopy processing method
Light stabilized antimicrobial materials
Light-activated antimicrobial and antiviral materials
Liquid dispenser
Liquid masking for selective coating of a stent
Low silicone glass prefillable syringe
Lubricious catheters
Lubricious coatings for medical device
Lubricious hydrogel coatings