Exhaust management system control
Exhaust treating system for lean-burn CNG engine
Exhaust treatment system and catalyst system
Exothermic two-stage process for catalytic oxidation of hydrogen
Expandable graphite intercalation compounds, method for...
Expanded carbon fiber product and composite using the same
Expansion section as the inlet to the flue in a titanium dioxide
Exploitation of copper, nickel and cobalt by treating manganifer
Extractant and process for extracting uranium wet-process phosph
Extractant compositions containing dialkyl and diaryl phosphonat
Extractant for palladium and method for separation and...
Extractant for rare earth metal and method for extracting the sa
Extractant solvent restoration in the process for recovery of ur
Extracting chromium (III) from aqueous solutions with 2-ethylhex
Extracting cobalt from spent hydroprocessing catalysts with cyan
Extracting columbium-tantalum values from pyrochlore ores
Extracting metals directly from metal oxides
Extracting soluble phosphates from naturally occurring iron and
Extracting tungsten from ores and concentrates