Acid leaching of copper ore heap with fluoroaliphatic surfactant
Acid leaching of nickel from serpentinic laterite ores
Acid leaching of nickeliferous oxide ores with minimized scaling
Acid process for recovery of alumina from clay
Acid wash of second cycle solvent in the recovery of uranium fro
Acid/microwave leaching of titanium ore and then flotation...
Actinide dissolution
Actinide metal processing
Actinide recovery process
Actinide removal from spent salts
Activated carbon adsorption of flotation reagents from tungsten
Activation of calcium oxide as a sorbent
Addition of pyritic materials to feed mix for desulfurization of
Addition reaction of hydroxy1-containing compounds with alkynes
Adsorption and elution of metal from ion exchange resin
Agglomerating agents for clay containing ores
Agglomerating agents for clay containing ores
Agglomerating agents for clay containing ores
Agglomerating agents for clay containing ores
Alkali regeneration process