Catalysts for producing narrow carbon nanostructures
Catalysts for the manufacture of carbon fibrils and methods...
Catalytic compositions
Catalytic etching of carbon fibers
Catalytic fibrous carbon
Catalytic growth of single- and double-wall carbon nanotubes...
Catalytic growth of single-and double-wall carbon nanotubes...
Catalytic growth of single-wall carbon nanotubes from metal...
Cellular carbon beads and process for fabrication
Changing oil tubes in a carbon black reactor
Changing oil tubes in a carbon black reactor
Chemical derivatization of silica coated fullerenes and use...
Chemical derivatization of single-wall carbon nanotubes to...
Chemical derivatization of single-wall carbon nanotubes to...
Chemical vapor deposition method of high quality diamond
Chemically modified carbonaceous materials made by the defluorin
Chemically modified graphite for electrochemical cells
Chemically modifying single wall carbon nanotubes to...
Chiral inorganic-organic composite porous material and...
Chopped carbon fibers and methods for producing the same