Nucleic acid sequences to proteins involved in tocopherol...
Nucleic acid transfer system
Nucleic acid-amplified immunoassay probes
Nucleic acids and corresponding proteins entitled 282P1G3...
Nucleic acids and new polypeptides associated with and/or...
Nucleic acids and polypeptides related to a guanine exchange...
Nucleic acids and proteins showing increased expression dose...
Nucleic acids and proteins with thioredoxin reductase activity
Nucleic acids encoding a G-protein coupled receptor involved...
Nucleic acids encoding Eph-like receptor tyrosine kinases
Nucleic acids encoding osteoprotegern-like proteins and...
Nucleic acids encoding peptides of the envelope region of HIV-2
Nucleic acids encoding the hypoxia inducible factor-1
Nucleotide and amino acid sequences for canine herpesvirus GB, G
Nucleotide and amino acid sequences of asporins
Nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the four variable domains
Nucleotide and amino acid sequences, and assays and methods...
Nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of tumor gene Int6
Nucleotide and protein sequences of lats genes and methods based
Nucleotide and protein sequences of lats genes and methods...