Biological removal of dihalocarboxylic acid irritants
Biological scrubber odor control system and method
Biological treatment of hazardous waste
Biological-acid leach process
Biologically active composition for purifying waste water and ou
Biologically pure culture of Actinomyces viscosus strain used fo
Biopolymer filterability improvement by caustic-enzyme treatment
Biopreparation of textiles at high temperatures
Biopreparation of textiles at high temperatures
Bioreactor system for biological degradation of oily sludge
Bioreduction of metal oxides and oxyanions by photosynthetic bac
Bioremediation method of hydrocarbon contaminated soils, water,
Bioremediation method using a high nitrogen-containing culture o
Bioremediation of chromium (VI) contaminated solid residues
Bioremediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soil
Bioremediation of organic contaminated soil and apparatus theref
Bioremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated s
Bioremediation of soil or groundwater contaminated with compound
Bioremediation of xenobiotics including methyl tert-butyl ether
Bioremediation process design utilizing in situ soil washing