Device for composting refuse and sewage slurry
Device for concentrating or collimating radiant energy
Device for conducting chemical operations
Device for connecting a pipe that is intended for heating/or...
Device for converting gaseous streams
Device for cooling and intermixing of gas from accidental leaks
Device for cracking of hydrocarbons using two successive...
Device for creating a deposit of silicon oxide on a traveling so
Device for destroying microbes in a fluid
Device for destroying reaction gases by incineration
Device for desulphurizing and denitrating flue gases by electron
Device for distributing a multiphase mixture through a catalytic
Device for doping silica powder
Device for eliminating gas or paraffin hydrate deposits that...
Device for enriching a fluid with ozone
Device for evaporating a liquid
Device for exciting a gas by a surface wave plasma and gas...
Device for exhaust emission purification for vehicles and...
Device for feeding educts to parallel spaces
Device for gasifying combustible materials, residues and...