Aggression-relieving stuffed doll
Alpha beanie buddies
Amusement device resembling living being having...
Animal toy having changeable, cuttable fur
Apparatus for suspending a hard object within a soft bodied toy
Article having a movable fold member for alteration of a feature
Articulated soft doll construction assembly
Articulated soft sculpture and method of manufacture
Closure for a doll with keepsake photo
Collectible and method of making the same
Compact manufacturing system for forming soft goods, mainly toys
Dismemberable canine appeasement device and method
Doll and infrastructure therein
Doll and method for producing a doll
Doll assembly and method therefor
Doll carrier for miniature toy animals
Doll face and head featuring fusible adhesive and an apertured b
Doll with extendable limbs
Doll with gripping hand construction and clip therefor