Variable gain amplifier circuit and gain control method
Variable gain amplifier circuit and gain control method
Variable gain amplifier circuit and gain control method thereof
Variable gain amplifier circuit and its use in an automatic gain
Variable gain amplifier circuit using variable impedance...
Variable gain amplifier circuit with reduced power requirements
Variable gain amplifier circuit, method of correcting DC...
Variable gain amplifier circuit, method of correcting DC...
Variable gain amplifier circuits
Variable gain amplifier for high frequency band using...
Variable gain amplifier for low supply voltage systems
Variable gain amplifier for use in communications
Variable gain amplifier having a maximum attenuation-factor...
Variable gain amplifier having improved gain slope...
Variable gain amplifier having linear-in-dB gain characteristic
Variable gain amplifier having linear-in-decibel...
Variable gain amplifier having linear-in-decibel...
Variable gain amplifier having n parallel-connected elementary a
Variable gain amplifier or analog multiplexer with feedforward c
Variable gain amplifier providing substantially uniform magnitud