Apparatus for charging rising drillholes
Apparatus for severing tubular members
Automatically controlled rock drilling apparatus
Blasting method for reducing nitrogen oxide fumes
Borehole charging method including toroidal transformer cores
Borehole stemming with a column of liquefiable and/or vaporizabl
Carrier for explosive primer and method of using same
Charging apparatus for cartridged explosives
Charging large diameter vertical boreholes
Delivery of emulsion explosives
Detonation arrestor device for bulk explosive materials transfer
Downhole perforating method and apparatus using secondary explos
Emulsion that is compatible with reactive sulfide/pyrite ores
Enclosed perforating gun with expendable carrier
Expandable explosive and stemming cartridge
Explosive charging apparatus for charging explosive pellets to a
Explosive charging apparatus for rock drilling
Explosive displacing bore hole tube
Field-connected explosive booster for initiating low-energy expl
Impermeable and composite perforating gun assembly components